Encoder upgrade for Letus Helix
This is for the upgrade of the Helix old motor version to encoded motors. The upgrade is available to both standard Helix and Helix Jr. Please note that this upgrade is not compatible with the 42 pole motors Helix (original). For those with the 42 pole motors Helix, please consider your upgrade here.
What are the benefits of encoders?
- Preventing motors from losing their position (skipping steps) when bumped or moved too aggressively
- Dramatically increasing battery life (up to 5 times longer life!)
- Slightly increased torque, giving you the extra strength needed for more aggressive panning motions
- Adding the ability to physically adjust the camera’s position by hand and have the gimbal maintain this position
- Increases the precision of stabilization
- Pan axis does not drift over long periods of time.
How does it work?
1) Order your upgrade
2) Pack up your Helix and put a note in the box letting us know that you need an encoder upgrade and giving the order number you got when you ordered the upgrade. Send your Helix to:
Letus Corporation 8506 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 972663) Upgrade will be carried out on an "first come first serve" basis. Normal time required for an upgrade is 3 to 5 business days, plus any shipping time.
4) Return shipping will be required at the time of order of the upgrade.
5) Once your Helix is done, we will inform you of your return with tracking number.
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letus helix encoded motors
I am happy to say that I have done the upgrade of the encoded motors and my Letus Helix Jr is more stable now . Have to say that the support online with Ken on Skype is fantastic, helps you sort out any trouble.
Noticable Improvement Yes. but a bit Pricey.
I did the upgrade from the older model of the letus helix. I can say that there is a noticeable difference. The motors are stronger and sturdier. When its powered off and you move them with your hand you can feel a bit of torque in them as opposed to before they were freely rotating. This is important as I use an Ursa Mini, a heavy camera. When powered on, when you straighten out the camera on the pan axis, it adjusts to forward, which is nice so you don't have to reset it frequently. And the handles can adjust too when you set it down. and it doesn't freak out if something bumps it. All of these things are good and noticable improvements. I haven't used it on a shoot yet this is just my initial testing with it. All that being said, I think its a decent upgrade if you have the money. But 1,000 is pretty pricey for what is essentially a performance upgrade. you'd think they'd try to attract returning customers with a better price but it's not a great deal price-wise. Overall, if you have the money to spend without worry, the upgrade IS apparent and is an improvement performance wise.
Great product and amazing customer service.
Using the Letus helix jr with a Sony Fs5 I find the upgrade to be well worth the investment.
Really strong
I just got the encoded motors installed on my Helix Jr. It had the standard motors previously. I'm now able to run my Sigma 18-35 1.8 lens on my FS5 whereas I was unable to do so before. This is great news for me. The motors are significantly stronger than they were before. The only reason I give it 4 instead of 5 stars is that the right handle goes in circles when I start it up. This is no problem at all if you have the regular handle attached, but I attach the FS5 handle via a SmallRig part, so the spinning handle turns into my FS5 handle and the lanc cable spinning around which is no good. Simple fix is - hold onto it when you start up the Helix Jr. Outside of that - no complaints whatsoever. Totally worth it to upgrade the motors to the encoded version.